How to Benefit from Hydrotherapy This Winter Season

Using water for relaxation has been practiced for centuries, from the Egyptians and Romans to the Chinese and Japanese. Hydrotherapy is a recent discovery made by the Bavarian priest Sebastian Kneipp in the 19th century, and it was officially used for the first time by Vincent Priessnitz, an Austrian physician. Hydrotherapy offers various benefits for your health and improves your overall wellbeing.


In short, hydrotherapy is the use of water to relieve discomfort and promote good health in individuals. Treatments rely solely on the healing properties of water, for instance:

  • Cold water stimulates the body and increases internal activity.
  • Warm water calms and soothes the body to slow it down.
  • Alternating between hot and cold will help heal injuries, reduce inflammation, and enhance bodily functions.

As you can see, hydrotherapy can help you if you’re experiencing pain, stress, or need to strengthen your immune system. Treatments come in different forms, including hydrotherapy pools, thermal baths, water circuits, saunas, or steam rooms.


So, why should you try a hydrotherapy treatment this winter season?

Here are five good reasons:

#1 - Reduces Muscle Tension/Relieves Pain

Hydrotherapy acts as a natural pain reliever and works wonders on tense muscles or body pain. There are treatments that naturally release endorphins, thereby reducing muscle soreness. Hydrotherapy also eases movement and supports aching muscles, so you can recover in the quickest way possible.

#2 - Good Rehab for Injured Muscles

If you’ve had an accident and injured tissues, muscles, or joints, a hydrotherapy treatment can help you. When the body is immersed in warm or hot water, the body temperature rises. This increases blood flow around the circulatory system, which then alleviates pain. There will be a significant improvement in your circulation, helping to heal injured tissues, muscles, or joints. Hot or cold compresses are a common type of hydrotherapy for sore muscles.

#3 - Boosts Immune System

Having a healthy immune system helps fight off colds and illnesses, which is strongly needed during the winter. Because hydrotherapy treatments increase blood flow and the circulation of blood cells around the body, the lymph can move through the body more effectively. The lymph is an immune system substance that collects unwanted materials and gets rid of them.

Warming socks is a traditional hydrotherapy treatment that naturally relieves nasal congestion. By wearing a pair of damp, thin cotton socks underneath a pair of thick, dry wool socks as you sleep, you will stimulate the immune system, relax your body, and no longer suffer from stuffed sinuses.

#4 - Encourages Detoxification

Winter is a great time to detox and cleanse the body. Steam rooms and saunas cause the body to sweat, which is the best way to eliminate toxins. Flush out all impurities through the skin with one of these hydrotherapy treatments.


#5 - Relieves Stress

Did you agree to host your first holiday dinner for the whole family? As nice as it is to see your relatives, that is a tall order. Use hydrotherapy as a de-stressor this holiday season. Some treatments reduce blood pressure caused by stress and may even slow down the body’s reaction to anxiety. Moreover, some hydrotherapy treatments naturally fight off stress by releasing endorphins. Try Watsu, an aquatic massage, before you dive into the details of your holiday activities.


The hydrotherapy benefits are endless, and we encourage you to discover more about water and the health benefits it has for our bodies. Check out our Goody Water products today to learn more about how they will improve your overall health and wellbeing.
